Tuesday, November 20, 2012

student and parent info

Grade 11 students have a new option next year for completing English 11 at D.P. Todd, and will complete Geography 12 at the same time.
We are launching a new program that uses blended learning to explore language, writing, literature, landscapes, and environmental education.

This approach mixes classroom based learning (with a teacher), student-centered learning in small seminars (facilitated by the teacher), smaller groups (facilitated by students), and some independent work (supported by all). 

Students will learn strategies for resourceful self-reliance and collaborative interdependence, skills that are crucial for success at post-secondary schools and the 21st century workplace. Students will also bend the digital and communication tools they already use towards positive applications for learning. We will develop life-long habits for pursuing passion and honouring the "whole self." We will set high standards that balance creativity with practical understanding of the big ideas from English and Geography.

The focus will be on the "spark" or learning passion that each student brings, creative use of technology, critical thinking, integration of the arts, deep inquiry, project-based learning, and use of digital portfolios. We will use examples in the course from diverse sources including Tolkien's Middle Earth, local writing and local landscapes. We will also use the work generated by students themselves to enrich content and opportunities for dialogue.

About half of the time the learning will be guided by the teacher (traditional lessons in class) and about half of the time students will be able to craft their own interests, skills, artistic and intellectual abilities into their classwork, projects, and assessment. This part takes place in a second "flex" block -- independent work, groups of 3-5 led by students, seminars of 8-10 with the teacher, and not necessarily taking place at the same time or location.  Many of the learning resources and reading/viewing will be "flipped" or posted online for students to work through during the flex time, allowing for more interactivity when we are together. Students have some time built in to work when and where they want, but also daily activities at school and in class. That's blended learning.

Students completing this program receive full credits for both English 11 and Geography 12 -- the learning outcomes from both courses will be addressed. This "Language and Landscape" program takes place in two blocks in one semester (e.g. A & B) and allows flexible attendance during one of the two blocks. Pre-requisites: English 10 and Social Studies 10. 

For more information, email gthielmann@sd57.bc.ca, come talk to me in room 180 or read more of the posts on this blog. I think students have a lot more to offer than we often give them the space to attempt.   This program is designed to see what that looks like.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Program pitch to staff

It's official... time to let my staff know where this is going. What started as a set of ideas about course combination and imaginative content, and became a project in curriculum and learning design is ready for the next level.

This course proposal for D.P. Todd Secondary will see English 11 and Geography 12 combined in a blended learning environment. Students enroll for two blocks of course work, half of it class-room based and half of it outside of class with individual, group,and seminar work. The "blend" refers to both the mix of traditional lessons with flipped or flexible learning, and the mix of in-school with distributed (e.g. online) content and coursework.

We will emphasize self-reliant learning, developing personal learning networks for students, cross-curricular themes, performance-based assessment, interactive technology, social learning, and exploring horizons of significance and authenticity. 

In short, a new way for Grade 11 students to complete two courses with compelling curriculum in a two-block program that blends different approaches to teaching and learning. 

Space permitting, this program will also allow Grade 12 students to audit parts of the double-course offering and complete a single grad credit board-authorized course: Middle Earth 12. 

Comments and feedback welcome.