Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Flex Time Sep 24

Hello students -- many of you seem to be using your flex time as intended: complete the notes & questions assigned in class, develop your various projects, read & reflect, and look through the media or online content that has been posted for you.

The next step is to start building in "accountability." -- being responsible to yourself and each other for the work that is required in a course of study at school (or any kind of work, for that matter). Over the next week, you need to choose a format for your assessment portfolio. This is the place or space where you put examples of your work from class, descriptions of what you have done, and evidence of your learning. Some other ways we'll keep accountable include: group and seminar check-ins, tests or verifications, project benchmarks, and this blog.

To be accountable for today's flex time, I would like each of you (the ones not on the leadership retreat, anyways) to leave a comment below with a very brief description of what you did today that is connected to our Language & Landscape program. Remember, you should not identify your personal info. Example: "added refs to my geography project, finished 1E & 1F notes, started a new book (Paper Towns), and signed up for Dropbox" - Marcy B

Today's "Flex" recommendations are as follows:
Note: you can find all of the blog posts connected to Flex time by clicking flex in the Labels section to the right. Review these periodically to make sure you are up to date.


  1. Read (Eragon), studied for the verification test, and researched online portfolios.~ Kennedy C.

  2. Finished all my notes, finished the geography project, study for test, and read (The Sisters Brothers).
    -Blake H

  3. Finished my homework, studied for my tests and read (Inheritance).
    ~David F.

  4. went grocery shopping and out for lunch with my mom -Riley W

    1. nice try... I appreciate the honesty but I'm looking for evidence that you are using your own time for assigned tasks & ongoing learning in our program... if not in the flex time, then you pick, but it still needs to be done. What have you done in or around this date that is connected to Eng11/Geog12?

  5. Read and watched bits of the video

    1. first name last initial please... I can't provide accountability or feedback if I don't know who you are!

  6. Studied my notes, and read. Also slept in a bit :D

    -Austin M

  7. Slept in and did some research for social

    1. for social what? do you mean for the test on 1A-1E?

  8. ~slept in,finished some homework then took bus into town and went to tim hortons then came to school and studied.

    1. first name last initial please... I can't provide accountability or feedback if I don't know who you are!

  9. During my flex bloc I finished my homework for the book talk and the environmental issues and I started to read the English book and a French book

  10. Slept a bit in then took the next bus to school finish my notes and studied for our test
    Jan S.

  11. During my flex time I studied in the library.
    Jonathan H.
