Tuesday, September 25, 2012

English 11 made simple

English 11 PLOs (summary):
A1 interact and collaborate in groups to learn, critique, and create
A2 express ideas and information in a variety of situations and forms
A3 listen to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate ideas and information from a variety of texts
A4 select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to interact and collaborate with others
A5 select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to prepare oral communications
A6 select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to express ideas and information in oral communications
A7 use listening strategies to understand, recall, and analyze a variety of texts
A8 speak and listen to make personal responses to texts
A9 speak and listen to interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas and information from texts
A10 speak and listen to synthesize and extend thinking
A11 use metacognitive strategies to reflect on and assess their speaking and listening
A12 recognize and apply the structures and features of oral language to convey and derive meaning
B1 read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a wide variety of literary texts
B2 read to comprehend a wide variety of information and persuasive texts with increasing complexity and subtlety of ideas and form
B3 view to comprehend a variety of visual texts, with increasing complexity of ideas and form
B4 independently select and read, for sustained periods of time, texts for enjoyment and to increase fluency
B5 before reading and viewing, select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to anticipate content and construct meaning
B6 during reading and viewing, select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to construct, monitor, and confirm meaning
B7 after reading and viewing, select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to extend and confirm meaning, and to consider author’s craft
B8 explain and support personal responses to texts
B9 interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas and information from texts
B10 synthesize and extend thinking about texts
B11 use metacognitive strategies to reflect on and assess their reading and viewing
B12 recognize and explain how structures and features of text shape readers’ and viewers’ construction of meaning and appreciation of author’s craft
B13 demonstrate increasing word skills and vocabulary knowledge
C1 write meaningful personal texts that elaborate on ideas and information for a variety of purposes
C2 write purposeful information texts that express ideas and information for a variety of purposes
C3 write effective imaginative texts to develop ideas and information for a variety of purposes
C4 create thoughtful representations that communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes
C5 select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to generate, develop, and organize ideas for writing and
C6 select, adapt, and apply a range of drafting and composing strategies while writing and representing
C7 select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to revise, edit, and publish writing and representing
C8 write and represent to explain and support personal responses to texts
C9 write and represent to interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas and information from texts
C10 write and represent to synthesize and extend thinking
C11 use metacognitive strategies to reflect on and assess their writing and representing
C12 use and experiment with elements of style in writing and representing, appropriate to purpose and audience, to enhance meaning and artistry
C13 use and experiment with elements of form in writing and representing, appropriate to purpose and audience, to enhance meaning and artistry
C14 use conventions in writing and representing, appropriate to purpose and audience, to enhance meaning and artistry

English 11 - quick overview of prescribed learning outcomes (PLOs)
this is what teachers are supposed to teach and students are supposed to learn:
(Eng1) Developing speaking and listening oral language skills and habits
(Eng2) Using strategies for effective oral communication
(Eng3) Demonstrating critical thinking and metacognition using oral language
(Eng4) Exploring and understanding diverse ideas through reading and viewing texts in a variety of mediums
(Eng5) Using strategies to construct meaning before, during, and after reading and viewing texts in a variety of mediums
(Eng6) Demonstrating critical thinking and metacognition through analysis of texts in a variety of mediums
(Eng7) Recognize, explain, and analyze structures, features, and origins of language, genres, and a variety of texts
(Eng8) Write personal, informational, imaginative texts in a variety of mediums
(Eng9) Use strategies to plan, draft, create, edit, and publish a variety of texts
(Eng10) Demonstrating critical thinking and metacognition through writing, representation, and synthesis
(Eng11) Develop writing, representation, and research skills with elements of style, form, and language conventions
In short, we want students to be able to talk, read, view, and write intelligently, expressively, with purpose and growing self-confidence. A successful English 11 student is an accomplished, resourceful, persuasive and creative receiver and teller of stories.

How do the PLOs translate to the way a typical English 11 course is laid out by topic?
  1. themes of English/Language Arts, connections, types, relevance
  2. fact, fiction, narrative, and the importance of myth
  3. establishing and identifying voice in self and other
  4. oral traditions, listening & story-telling skills
  5. speeches, debate, interviews, and tools for self-expression
  6. language origins and etymology
  7. grammar and the structure of language
  8. history of British, American, and World English
  9. poetic types, terminology, and functions
  10. approaches to reading, writing, and responding to poetry
  11. focused case studies from 6 or more poems, in-class or self-directed
  12. creative & descriptive writing, poetry, prose and other
  13. blogs, digital and social media, multimodal language and literature
  14. graphic and non-written analysis and modes of expression
  15. comparative writing, essay and other format
  16. expository writing, essay and other format
  17. writing an opinion paper or an editorial
  18. literary devices in prose, writing styles and skills
  19. comparison of themes in short stories
  20. focused case studies from 4 or more short stories, in-class or self-directed
  21. character sketches and role of complex plots
  22. crossover from short stories to journalism and other genres
  23. analyzing character, themes, and the human condition in long prose
  24. structure of the novel, schemes for synthesizing topics and themes
  25. setting and contexts in long prose, role of research
  26. focused case studies from 2 or more novels, in-class or self-directed
  27. reading & responding to dramatic writing
  28. contexts and skills for dramatic writing & theatrical performance
  29. focused case studies from 1 or more plays, in-class or self-directed
  30. synthesizing thought and craft from the study of language and literature

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