Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Geography 12 made simple

Geography 12 PLOs:
A1 explain the five themes of geography: location, place, movement, regions, human and physical interaction
A2 describe the major interactions of the four spheres: atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
A3 demonstrate geographic literacy through work with geographic data, maps, images, texts
A4 apply effective written, oral, and graphic communication skills to geography topics
A5 describe the geographic applications of current information and imaging technologies
B1 describe the features and processes associated with plate tectonics, including Earth’s layers, volcanism, folding and faulting, earthquakes
B2 explain the effects of volcanism and earthquakes
C1 describe the features and processes associated with weathering and mass wasting
C2 describe the features and processes associated with running water, ground water, glaciers, wind, waves
C3 assess the effects of gradation on humans
D1 describe the characteristics and significance of the layers of the atmosphere, including the troposphere and stratosphere
D2 explain factors affecting temperature, precipitation, pressure, and wind
D3 analyze specific weather phenomena, including fog, local winds, and extreme events
D4 interpret information from weather maps and station models
D5 describe the characteristics of the world’s climate regions, including equatorial, tropical wet/dry, Mediterranean, desert, continental interior, humid continental (including humid sub-tropical), west coast marine, sub-arctic, and tundra
D6 explain how climate affects human activity
D7 analyze interactions between human activity and the atmosphere, with reference to global climate change, ozone depletion, acid precipitation
E1 outline characteristics of the Earth’s major biomes, including tropical rainforest, tropical grasslands/savanna, Mediterranean/schlerophyll, desert, temperate grasslands/prairie/steppe, deciduous/mixed forest, temperate rainforest, coniferous forest/boreal/taiga, tundra
E2 describe how vegetation adapts to environmental conditions
E3 relate soil types to biomes
E4 analyze the interactions between human activity and biomes, with reference to deforestation, desertification, soil degradation, species depletion, resources and environmental sustainabIlIty
F1 assess the various considerations involved in resource management, including sustainability, availability, social/cultural consequences, economic consequences, political consequences
F2 assess the environmental impact of human activities, including, energy production and use, forestry, fishing, mining, agriculture, waste disposal, water use

Geography 12 - quick overview of prescribed learning outcomes (PLOs)
this is what teachers are supposed to teach and students are supposed to learn:

(Geo1) Develop geographic literacy related to the planet, humans, and the study of geography
(Geo2) Describe and explain features and processes related to earth structure (tectonics)
(Geo3) Recognize and describe the forces of gradation shaping the land
(Geo4) Understand the role of humans in gradation, climate processes
(Geo5) Describe and explain the features and processes associated with our atmosphere
(Geo6) Describe and analyze climate data, phenomenon, and types
(Geo7) Differentiate various biomes, soils, and ecosystem processes
(Geo8) Assess problems in sustainable resource management
(Geo9) Understand human-environment processes, issues, and mutual impacts
In short, we want students to be able to scan natural and human landscapes or phenomenon and build geographies that employ strong research skills, critical thinking capacity, and knowledge of relevant systems. A successful Geography 12 student has an ability to speak, write, and graph about their physical world and cultural adaptations with self-confidence and geographic literacy.

How do the PLOs translate to the way a typical Geography 12 course is laid out by topic?
  1. themes of Geography, connections, types, relevance
  2. galactic & planetary context
  3. origins of life & species
  4. spheres & associated environmental challenges
  5. working with all kinds of maps
  6. geology, rock formation and types
  7. tectonics, faults & folds
  8. earthquakes & volcanism
  9. weathering & gradation
  10. mass wastage & slope failure
  11. rivers & fluvial landscapes
  12. groundwater & karst
  13. alpine & continental glaciation, periglaction
  14. wind & deserts, arid landscapes
  15. coastal processes and landforms
  16. climate/solar energy context
  17. atmosphere & water cycle
  18. air pressure & winds
  19. climate controls & classification
  20. air masses & precipitation, weather symbols
  21. weather systems & storms, weird weather
  22. ecosystems & biomes
  23. soil & soil conservation
  24. resource management & ethics, modes of subsistence
  25. living resources & habitats
  26. air resources & climate issues
  27. water resources & issues
  28. land & energy resources
  29. waste & urban systems
  30. rural vs urban splits, sustainability

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